his own words (w/ special appeal) |
Dear NY Faith & Justice Friends and Family, Last week NY Faith & Justice launched a two month campaign called "Betray the Age". We asked the question, "What does it look like to betray the age in our world, in our city, in our neighborhoods? For the months of July and August we will share one short story per week of people living in our city who are using their lives to betray the age. Each week we'll give you a few more ideas of ways you can betray the age in your daily life. Remember the two core lies of the age we identified last week:
Meet Gary...In His Own Words Rev. Wiley gave this testimony at a press conference in front of the White House in Washington D.C., on July 1, 2010. My name is Rev. Gary Wiley, pastor of justice and care at Trinity Grace Church in New York City. I stand before you today as an evangelical Christian. I am also a husband, a father of three, a grandfather of two, and an American descended from immigrants that made their way to these shores over the past 350 years. I am also a card-carrying Republican, as were my parents and grandparents before me. Until recently my temptation was to hold my faith very close to my chest. Seldom did it move much beyond a concern for personal holiness. A book by Richard Stern, president of World Vision, pointed out "the hole in my gospel." What I now realize is that I am called to called not only to love God with my total being, but also to seek the very best for my neighbor. I am reminded that God takes very seriously how we treat the stranger (or immigrant) among us. Jesus said: "I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of sisters of mine, you did for me" (Matthew 25:40). I was a missionary in Peru for 15 years. My adopted son is Peruvian, as are my son-in-law and my grandchildren. When SB 1070 was signed into law in Arizona I realized that I could go to Arizona and never to worry or be bothered, but my family would be in danger of being victims of racial profiling in that state now. I personally have never faced discrimination or profiling in this nation that I love, but it is a potential reality for the ones I love dearly. This is no longer someone else's issue; it is my issue. It has gone from the abstract to the personal. What affects my neighbor, affects me. ![]() As a political conservative and a card-carrying Republican, I'm here to remind Republican members of Congress that immigration reform is about protecting family values and doings what's morally right. Rev. Wiley will appear in court next Thursday, July 22, to face the penalty for his act of civil disobedience and to stand in solidarity, once more, with broken families facing the deportation of one or both parents without their children. Remember the lies of our age (above)? Which lie is Gary betraying?How will you betray the age? ![]() Right now NY Faith & Justice is working to raise $25,000 in new and renewed individual financial partnerships. Contributions from people like you make all of our work on Immigration Reform possible. If you haven't renewed your membership, now is the time. If you've been waiting to partner with us, today is the day! Betray the age and contribute $5/mth, $10/mth, $25/mth, $50/mth, $100/mth or more to the work of NY Faith & Justice. ![]() ![]() NOTE: If you prefer not to give online you can send checks made payable to "FCNY/NY Faith & Justice" to: NY Faith & Justice c/o Partnership 475 Riverside Drive, Suite 500 New York, NY 10115 Here are a few more awesome ways you can begin to betray the age right where you are!
![]() ![]() Engage, ![]() Lisa Sharon Harper Co-founder and Executive Director New York Faith & Justice |
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